Thursday, November 10, 2011

Refrigerator Stories: Baby Bird Syndrome Revisited

I came home around ten at night, utterly spent after a long four-day conference.  I collapsed onto the sofa next to my husband and was barely able to tell him the news about an exciting business possibility when he interrupted.

"That's great.  Do we have any ice cream?"

I was stunned into a brief silence which then erupted into an exhaustion-fueled rage.  "Really, baby bird?  Am I that much of a trigger for you that the moment I walk in the door you want some food?  Seriously?"

He looked at me in awe.  "I just thought that you would know if we had any."

"You've been alone for four days and you're asking me if we have any ice cream?  Have you not looked in the freezer since I've been gone?"

"Never mind.  I'll get it myself."

I went to bed.

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