Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Shopping Sabotage: New Mama Drama

A new mother left her infant son home for the first time with his father while she went grocery shopping.    While in the middle of the freezer section, she heard a page.

"Tanya  Benwicki, please come to the customer service desk for a telephone call."

Horrific images filled her mind as she raced to the front of the store.

"I'm Tanya Benwicki," she breathed heavily.  "You have a phone call for me?"

The cashier behind the counter smiled at her amusedly. "Indeed we do.  You can take it right here."

She grabbed the phone.  "Hello?"

"You need to come home right now!"  Her husband exclaimed.

" Jay?  What is it?  What's happened?"

"Why didn't you answer your cell phone?  The baby pooped and threw up all over me!"

"What?"  She exclaimed.  The cashiers behind the counter began to giggle as she felt heat rise to her face.

"You heard me!   I've been calling and calling and there's no answer."

"That's because there's no reception here in the store."

"So come home now!"

"You want me to stop what I'm doing to change a diaper? "  She hissed through gritted teeth.  " I suppose you want a sponge bath also?"

"You need to get home now and take care of this baby!"

"Jay, you are a grown man perfectly capable of changing a diaper and cleaning yourself up."

"But  I'm covered in it!"

"I'm not your mother.  Deal with it!"  She slammed the phone down.  "Sorry about that," she mumbled.

"Don't worry honey," said the cashier.  "He provided us with today's entertainment."

Tanya went in search of her abandoned shopping cart.  After she checked out and loaded her groceries into her car, she noticed several messages on her cell phone, many from her husband and one from her mother-in-law.  She deleted the ones from her husband and listened to her MIL's. 

"Tanya, call me," she giggled.

Tanya rolled her eyes and dialed her number.  "Hey Sandy, it's me."

Raucous laughter filled the air.  "Hey honey, did Jay get a hold of you?"

"He had me paged at the grocery store because there's no reception inside!"

"Ha ha ha!"  Sandy gasped. 

"Yeah, real funny," Tanya groused.  "I take it he called you, too?"

"Yup, I told him to step up and be a man."

"Well, you raised him."

"Maybe, but you married him!"

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